Advantages of BOD incubator
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) — Overview
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) refers to the amount of oxygen that would beconsumed if all the organics in one liter of water were oxidized by bacteria and protozoa(ReVelle and ReVelle, 1988).
The first step in measuring BOD is to obtain equal volumes of water from the area to betested and dilute each specimen with a known volume of distilled water which has been thoroughly shaken to ensure oxygen saturation.After this, an oxygen meter is used to determine the concentration of oxygen within oneof the vials. The remaining vial is then sealed and placed in darkness and tested five days later. BOD is then determined by subtracting the second meter reading from the first.The range of possible readings can vary considerably: water from an exceptionally clearlake might show a BOD of less than 2 ml/L of water. Raw sewage may give readings inthe hundreds and food processing wastes may be in the thousands.
The BOD test takes 5 days to finish and is performed utilizing a dissolved oxygen test-it. The BOD level is controlled by looking at the DO level of a water test taken promptly with the DO level of a water test that has been brooded in a dim area for 5 days. The contrast between the two DO levels speaks to the measure of oxygen required for the decay of any natural material in the example and is a decent estimate of the BOD level.
Advantages of BOD incubator
Thermolab is a specialized BOD incubator manufacturer(Bio-Oxygen Demand) in India. Our BOD incubators are generally utilized for day-to-day bacteriological and biochemical oxygen requirements (BOD) ascertaining tests in different research laboratories. These incubators are also available in a different variant called the walk-in bod incubators which comes in various sizes.
What are the advantages of BOD incubator?
These sorts of incubators are also called low-temperature incubator which isutilized for the development of yeast and mold as they require low temperature to develop. This incubator is called BOD(Biological oxygen request) in light of the fact that in biological oxygen demand testing there is a need for low temperature around 20–25˚C. In the BOD incubators, there are both cooling and warming frameworks that make it unique in relation to a bacteriological incubator. BOD incubators are not influenced by encompassing condition and are absolutely autonomous/independent.
Coming to specific advantages of the BOD incubator:
· Temperature range of 5˚C to 60 ˚C
· IQ, OQ, PQ, Documents, Operations and Maintenance manuals
· 21 CFR Part 11 compliance window based communication software for data management
BOD Incubator (Bio-Oxygen Demand) are used to maintain temperature for test tissue culture growth, storage of bacterial cultures and incubation where high degree of constant temperature accuracy is required. Thermolab BOD Incubators provide with accurate conditions and uniformity throughout the chamber.
For more information on BOD Incubators, please visit our website.