Classification of Microbiological Safety Cabinets

Thermolab Scientific
3 min readOct 23, 2019


Microbiological Safety Cabinets are used to give operator, environment and product protection when handling dangerous biological materials. It is important to differentiate between conventional Unidirectional Air Flow (formerly called Laminar Air Flow or LAF) systems which give a particulate controlled atmosphere for critical operations and Microbiological Safety cabinets which give importance to Operator, Environment and Product Protection. Selection of a Biological Safety Cabinet depends on the type of biologically hazardous materials handled inside the cabinet. Various International bodies recommend some biological risk classifications by taking into account the pathogenic nature of biological materials and minimum requirements for guaranteeing protection to personnel, environment and materials during their manipulations. DPAG, DHSS-GB (The Dangerous Pathogens Advisory Group — Department of Health and Social Security — Great Britain), CDC-USA (Centre for Diseases Control, United Sates of America) World Health Organization (WHO), NCI-USA (National Cancer Institute), NIH-USA (National Institute of Health) etc., are some of the major contributors to development of parameters to classify different pathogens.

Principle of operation

Fresh air is drawn in from the slots at the front opening. This air passes under the work surface and joins the return air plenum. The main blower then pushes air into another plenum which also accommodates Supply HEPA filter, the exhaust blower plenum and Exhaust HEPA filters. The inward air flow barrier prevents contaminants from exiting the work area. The innovative cabinet design and positioning of supply and exhaust HEPA plenums in a negative envelope ensure that accidental air leakages are contained.

HyZone Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets

HyZone Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets from Thermolab blend knowledge, experience and innovative design changes in creating state-of-the-art equipment as part of its offerings. HyZone is a Class II Microbiological Cabinet, designed and built to meet, if not exceed, performance requirements of the EN 12469:2000 Standard. 70% air is re-circulated through the main H14 HEPA Filter within the cabinet, while the remaining 30% is exhausted through two H14 HEPA filters in series. HyZone Cabinets are suitable for handling microorganisms and pathogens as defined by the appropriate International Standards, current health and safety guidelines and legislation aimed at safeguarding health and safety of operators at work. 95 % of your requirements are met by Class II A2 Cabinets.

However, Class I and Class III cabinets can be manufactured if your work so warrants.

Salient features of HyZone Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets

• Independent blowers for Supply and Exhaust air

• Double HEPA filtration of Exhaust air

• Negative pressure envelope (shroud) for HEPA filter Plenums and Return air path to prevent escape of contaminated air to atmosphere and work area

• Simultaneous real time monitoring and display of Supply and Exhaust air velocities

• Monitoring of work area temperature

• Sliding front sash with counter weights for easy operation

• Microprocessor controlled operations with Normal, Fast Start and Service modes and alarms

• Ergonomic design like angled front sash, arm rest etc., for operator comfort

• RS 232 connectivity

• EN 12469:2000 compliant

Quality Assurance

Each unit is factory tested to meet international guidelines and dispatched in ready-to-plug-in condition. Thermolab’s testing services are available to assist you in routine maintenance and revalidation.

For more information about Microbiological Safety Cabinets, contact Thermolab Scientific Equipments.



Thermolab Scientific
Thermolab Scientific

Written by Thermolab Scientific


Thermolab Scientific Equipments are the lab equipment manufacturers with reach to 50+ countries worldwide.

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